Thursday, May 18, 2017

I Looked In the Window and What Did I See? My Popcorn Burning...

I am about to divulge the recipe for the most amazing, mouth-watering, nutritious and delicious dinner you will ever eat as a college student. Prepare to be amazed!

Serving Size: 3
Serving Size Reality: 1 (how pathetic)

1 starving college kid
1 bag of microwave popcorn
1 microwave

1.) Remove plastic wrapping from bag. Bonus points if you rap while doing this.
2.) This is a hard step! Walk to the microwave. This might require you to leave your dorm, but the energy expended in completely this step pays off with the final product.
3.) Open microwave.
4.) Throw bag into microwave
5.) Spend a full minute trying to figure out how the microwave works
6.) Cook on high for 2 minutes 30 seconds
7.) Smell the air to make sure it doesn't burn
8.) When finished, hobble back to room with bag
9.) Eat and enjoy! Pairs great with water (Dasani or Arrowhead are both acceptable)

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