Wednesday, August 31, 2016

You Know You're At BYU When...

I thought I'd do a funny post to commemorate surviving my third day of school. I've absolutely loved every second of BYU, and it's definitely been a dream come true! Since the campus has such a unique population, it has some strange idiosyncrasies that set it apart from anyway other campus. I present to you the first of my "You Know You're at BYU when..."s. All of this is true and has occurred in the past week or so. 
You know you're at BYU when...
1.) A bunch of people who have never met end up playing an elaborate game that involves hitting people with newspapers. (comment if you've played this game!)
2.) You are playing Catchphrase and someone quotes a scripture as the hint. "Come on, guys, it's in Mosiah? Like the opposite of happiness?"
3.) Your roommate's psychology professor happens to be the one and only Elder Van Pelt from The Best Two Years. Office hours might become "can you autograph my copy of the movie" hours if word gets out on campus. 
4.) At church on Sunday they announce the new ward boundaries with stuff like "May Hall 2030 to May Hall 2333 is in the 111th ward of the 8th stake...."
5.) Practically every building on campus has the word "Smith" in it. Not confusing at all. I have totally never been lost. 
6.) Right across the street from the campus you can find a ring shop. Better check its return policy first.
7.)  The campus paper has a debrief on how to do a "ring check" BEFORE flirting with someone. And a bridal gown ad is on the back of the school magazine.
8.) You walk into the Wilk and there's some master pianist jamming to "You've a Friend in Me", and he's got half the people in the room singing along under their breath. 
8.5) ...then you walk outside and there's a folk band playing. Sure, why not? Cool!
9.) The Creamery puts out a special edition of the famed BYU chocolate milk to celebrate another nomination for BYU as the "no. 1 Stone Cold Sober" university. 
10.) The Cannon Center is closed for half the day on Fast Sundays. Whelp, that's one way to incentive obedience. 

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